

From Whole Latte Love Support Library

This template is used for defining what content appears on a cleaning & maintenance page for a prosumer machine. Depending on how you fill out the parameters below, this template will display different information.

To start, copy the empty parameters onto the page you're editing. Then, depending on the type of machine, define the parameters appropriately on that page. For instance, if the page you're editing is about a single boiler heat exchange machine, define "single_heat_exchange" parameter as "Yes" but without the quotes. By defining single_heat_exchange as Yes, the template automatically displays descaling instructions appropriate for that type of machine. If it's not a single boiler heat exchange machine, you can leave that parameter empty and forget about it for now.

Next up is "desc_instr_avail". If desc_instr_avail is defined as Yes, the template will display whatever information defines "dual_descale_instr". You must manually input the appropriate information under dual_descale_instr on the page you're editing, otherwise only whitespace will be displayed. If desc_instr_avail is left empty or defined as anything but Yes, the following text will display instead:

"Descaling of this unit is not recommended. Most dual boiler prosumer units are not considered safe for consumers to descale. Any descaling of the unit should be done professionally."

Finally, if backflush_capable is defined as Yes, it will display backflushing information. If softener_info is defined at all, the Water Softener section will appear and whatever information you plugged into softener_info will be displayed.

|single_boiler =
|single_heat_exchange = 
|desc_instr_avail     = 
|dual_descale_instr   = 
|descaling_products   = 
|softener_info        = 
|backflush_capable    = 