

From Whole Latte Love Support Library

Burr Cleaning & Calibration

The grinder should be taken apart for cleaning and calibration every 25 lbs of coffee or every 6 months, whichever comes first. The burrs will slowly move out of calibration with use, and coffee residues and grounds will collect over time and create stale flavors.

To access the burrs on the V-Titan 64, you will need a 1.5 mm and 2.5 mm allen wrench (or hex key). Make sure the grinder is unplugged before starting. Begin by loosening the setscrew in the worm gear adjustment handle. Loosen this screw enough that you can slip the handle off without entirely removing the setscrew. Two screws hold the worm gear in place. Remove these with the 2.5 mm allen wrench or hex key. Set aside the worm gear and screws. Unscrew the adjustment collar by turning toward the coarse setting or in counterclockwise fashion. The collar will unscrew completely and reveal the burrs.

Before reassembly, clean the threads perfectly with a pin or brush. Any size debris in the threads will make reinserting the adjustment collar unnecessarily difficult. Once everything is cleaned to your satisfaction, reinsert the adjustment collar and adjust toward the coarse setting or turn counterclockwise until you hear the threads drop. Screw in the collar until it is safely in place and plug the grinder in. Then, while the grinder is running, adjust toward the finer setting or turn clockwise until you hear the burrs touch. Then adjust toward coarse until you do not hear the burrs touching to zero your grind setting.

Doser Screen Cleaning

The lid to the doser funnel can be removed by hand. When looking inside, you will notice a grid or screen. Coffee grounds can build up in this space over time. Clear out any debris with a pin or brush.