

From Whole Latte Love Support Library

If you are having difficulty frothing then the cappuccinatore attachment or the steam wand it connects to may need to be cleaned.

  1. The cappuccinatore attachment should be cleaned on a daily basis. At the end of each day the cappuccinatore is used the following cleaning procedure should be done:
    1. Fill a container with fresh cold water and insert the intake tube from the cappuccinatore.
    2. Place a cup underneath the dispensing spout of the cappuccinatore.
    3. Activate the steam mode on the machine like you are using the cappuccinatore to froth milk.
    4. Water will be sucked through and dispensed. Keep drawing water through until the water is completely clear.
  2. If froth is still not being produced it may be time to do a more thorough cleaning of the cappuccinatore.
    1. Dissolve the Rinza into a solution using the instructions on the back of the bottle.
    2. Place a cup underneath the dispensing spout.
    3. Activate the steam mode on the machine like you are frothing milk.
    4. Run the full contents of the solution through the cappuccinatore.
    5. Repeat the process with plain water.
    6. Detach the cappuccinatore from the machine and submerge it fully in hot water to remove another other milk residues.
  3. Refer to your machine manual to see if there are further manual disassembly and cleaning instructions for the cappuccinatore.
  4. Use a pipe brush that has synthetic or plastic bristles to clean the wand that the cappuccinatore connects to. Do not use a pipe brush that has metal bristles as it can damage the wand.