

From Whole Latte Love Support Library

Replacing Gauges On Your Expobar

Replacing gauges on the various Expobar machines is a fairly straight forward process. You will need to remove the outer housing from your machine. This may vary from machine to machine so they have not been included in this write up. Once you have your housing removed, follow the steps below to move forward with replacing the gauge.

Things you will need:

  • 1x 15mm wrench
  1. Locate the gauge you want to remove, and start by untightening the nut located on the back, connected to the hardline.
  2. Once that nut has been loosened and moved back, you will need to undo the smaller nut in front of that.
  3. Once the secondary nut has been removed, the brace and the gauge should free for removal.
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  4. Once you’ve got your gauge and brace off, replace the item with your new one and reassemble.