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Making your first espresso machine purchase can be a daunting task. A simple internet search for information regarding these machines yields an overwhelming amount of information. This article strives to condense this information into a more organized and manageable guide to machine purchasing. Being able to prioritize the factors that are important to you and understanding why they are important will help in choosing a machine that makes you happy and meets your needs.

Factors For Selection

As a starting point it is a good idea to establish why you are purchasing an espresso machine. Establishing expectations and understanding your needs before you make a purchase will ensure that you are getting a machine that can live up to those expectations. If you are new to the espresso home brewing experience then it can be hard to know what to expect. In this section we will explore the most common factors that go into the purchase of an espresso machine and why they are important.

User Experience

We've chosen to list this as the first factor because of its importance. If you have never used an espresso machine before, then going straight for a manually operated or prosumer style machine may result in a very unsatisfactory experience. The amount of control these machines offer, and their heavy reliance on the user's technique and ability can make them frustrating to use and make learning espresso extraction harder than it needs to be. Alternatively if you're an experienced user you may find some units, such as super-automatics, frustrating to use because of the lack of direct control you have over the process.

Convenience vs. Quality

Balancing convenience with quality ties in with user experience as well. Machines that are designed for convenience, such as pod machines, will be the simplest to use. They're relatively straightforward, and mainly just require you to insert a cartridge and select a brewing option. Moving up from there you have super-automatic machines and semi-automatic machines that utilize pressurized brewing systems. These machines offer a little more user control, but are still doing a lot of the work. Depending on the super-automatic machine the amount of user control can be fairly limited, while high end units off more. Since espresso brewing is all about controlling variables these types of machine can produce good tasting espresso, but it will not cafe quality. Their advantage though is that they offer a balance to convenience and quality - so if you are a new user, but want something that tastes better than a capsule, that uses freshly ground coffee these machines are a good choice. If shot quality is really your goal then it's really best to trade up the convenience factor in favor of more direct control. Manual, prosumer, and semi-automatic machines can offer this higher level of control. Manual and prosumer in particular will typically have many more control options, really giving them the best ability to produce a shot of espresso that wows you.

Another aspect of convenience that many people consider is how quickly a machine heats up. Generally smaller home units such as semi-automatics and super-automatics have shorter heat up times, typically around 10 minutes long. Some of these style machines will also feature rapid heat boilers, which means they are ready to brewing within just a couple of minutes of being turned on. These are great for people on the go. Semi-automatic machines with larger boilers, prosumer, and commercial machines will take longer to heat, anywhere from 15-30 minutes. Most prosumer and commercial units are designed to be able to be left on for long period of time or indefinitely though, so heat up time is not a factor if the machine is left on.

Frequency of Use

Selecting a machine based on how frequently it is used and many people are going to be using it is important because not all machines are rated to handle the traffic in a cafe or office, or are meant to be left on for extended periods of time. Many manufacturers will also consider the warranty on the unit void if used in a high volume if the machine is meant for home and personal use.

If you are only brewing a couple of shots a day then a semi-automatic unit, or small super-automatic unit will be sufficient. Likewise, if it's a family using the machines these will also work, but you may wand to get into a super-automatic with more programming options so that each person can easily brew their own drink. A semi-automatic unit will work as well, but if you have several family members brewing drinks in a row you may want to get a semi-automatic with a larger boiler to reduce recovery time between brewing and steaming.

For higher volume use, like in an office you will want to go for a large high quality super-automatic unit or a prosumer level unit that is rated for office use. Super-automatics are usually preferable in an office environment for those who are not familiar with the technique of espresso extraction. That being said, prosumer units are still popular choices for office environments and they are advantageous because they are designed to be able to be left on indefinitely. For very high volume usage, such as in a cafe, it is important to select a machine that will meet that demand. Some prosumer units will be rated for light commercial use, but for heavy traffic it's best to purchase a commercial unit. Commercially rated units are meant to be left on, and are usually powerful enough to brew and steam simultaneously, and have little to no recovery time.

Maintenance Needs

Every machine is going to require some sort of regular maintenance and cleaning, but what level of maintenance is required will vary from machine to machine. These machines are handling a food product, so to keep them functional and sanitary they need to be cleaned regularly. Skipping required cleaning and maintenance can result in machine failure or bad tasting coffee. Some units will require disassembling parts of the machine as part of the regular maintenance.

Some important questions to ask yourself when deciding on a machine are: How frequently do I want to have to clean the machine? What kind of cost will go into cleaning this machine? How comfortable am I as disassembling a machine? Do I want to be able to do most of the cleaning/maintenance myself, or do I prefer the machine be sent for service? Answering these questions will help point you in a good direction. Most machines are going to require monthly or weekly cleaning - some things will need to be cleaned daily. Some machines will be more automated in their cleaning, such as the higher end Jura Capresso units.

Understanding how willing you are to take apart a machine for the cleaning and maintenance is a good determining factor as well. On most home espresso units some simple disassembly is going to be required for proper cleaning and maintenance. This isn't usually anything complicated, typically just removing some screws and cleaning parts. On more complex units, such as Prosumer units, the cleanings will be a little more involved, and some cleanings are recommended to only be done professionally. Some machines, such as high end super-automatic machines are not user serviceable. If you prefer being able to clean and maintain a machine yourself these may not be a good choice, because they frequently make core components inaccessible and require professional service.


This is frequently more of an aesthetic consideration, but the material of functional parts does have an effect as well. For the most part internal parts are going to be metal within the espresso machine regardless of the type or quality of the unit. Tubing is frequently plastic, but on more expensive units the plastic tubing is usually replaced with copper piping, or braided stainless steel hoses which have higher durability. External paneling on most home units is going to be plastic, even on higher end home units. The exception are prosumer style machines, which frequently use metal paneling; they are styled after commercial unit, and metal is used both for aesthetics, but also to help the machine passively heat for features like the cup warmer. Super-automatics typically use a plastic brewing mechanism, while many machines utilize a metal grouphead.

The material of the boiler is frequently a consideration. The material of the boiler can affect how the boiler can be cleaned; aluminum boilers for example can't be cleaned with certain cleaners because they will be damaged. The material of the boiler also affects how quickly heat is transmitted and how quickly the boiler heats as a result. The material of the boiler also determined how susceptible it is to wear over time. Stainless steel boilers for example are less susceptible to corrosion. Low mineral content waters such as R/O water and distilled water can't be used with certain boiler materials, because the water can leech and degrade the metal.

Operating Space

This can get overlooked, especially for a first time purchase, but espresso machines, even the smaller home units, do take up a fair amount of space. The machines on our website will list exact dimensions so that you can measure your available space ahead of time to make sure you will have room. Think about how much additional space you need, such as for packing and tamping your portafilter, any accessories that you will need to go with the machine, or for a grinder.


If the machine is going to be plumbed in then a machine that is capable of this will need to be selected. Many of the smaller home units, such as semi-automatics and super-automatics will only utilize a built in reservoir are not plumb capable. Some higher end super-automatics are an exception, because they are designed for use in an office space. Prosumer machines frequently have a plumb option. Prosumer machines frequently come in different versions that are either plumb capable or not. Some will be switchable between a plumb line and a built in reservoir. Some machines can be converted to use a plumb line later, but these conversions are often complicated and pricey, so it is advisable to get the plumb option at the time of purchase.


Espresso machines will vary greatly in the amount of software control that they offer. Super-automatic machines in particular offer a lot of programming options, because they are convenience based machines. Basic temperature adjustment, drink volume, beverage programming, frothing temperature and amount, grinder dosing amount, languages, and automated cleanings are some of the things the software on these machines support. Higher end super-automatics offer a lot of drink customization options.

Semi-automatic and prosumer units can offer some programming, but won't typically have this level of software programmability because these are more manually controlled units. Some of these units will offer options for programming beverage length. Some will also offer a very accurate temperature measurement tool called a PID. PID's are advantageous because the allow for very exact temperature control of the brew boiler; sometimes PIDs can also control the steam boiler temperature as well.

Sound Level

Espresso machines can be noisy machines. A large source of noise is the pump. Home espresso units in particular typically utilize a vibration style pump, which can be quite loud. More recently released home espresso units are a little quieter because the vibration pumps have better mounting that reduces the vibration and noise caused by these pumps. Rotary pumps run quieter than vibration style pumps, as well as offering more consistent pressures.

Super-automatic machines will tend towards the noisier side. In addition to using vibration style pumps they utilize built in grinding mechanisms. They also use a special brewing system called a brew unit. Brew units will make creaking and loud clicking noises as part of their normal operation, as well as a hum from the brew unit motor when it is engaged. Machines with mechanical grinder dosing systems will be louder, often making loud snapping noises as the doser engages to measure out the coffee. Machines with electronically controlled coffee dosing do not make this noise.

Power Considerations

Espresso machines, especially prosumer and commercial units, use quite a bit of power in their operation. The energy demand of the pump and the boiler(s) requires quite a bit more power than a typical home or kitchen appliance. Even small home units will typically use 1200-1400 Watt boilers. This means that espresso machines use quite a bit more amperage, so will require dedicated power. Make sure that your home is able to supply to kind of power needed for these machines. Typical power requirements are that the outlet be able to handle a load of 15-20 Amps. Not having an appropriate power supply can cause an espresso machine to malfunction or not turn on at all. The use of extension cords, surge protectors, and outlet timers is inadvisable because they are not rated to handle this kind of current demand.

Drinks Being Made

Machine Features

Brew Features

Pump Type

Pressure Control

Brewing Style

Temperature Control

Boiler Style

Steam Features

Wand Style

Pressure/Temp Control

Boiler Style

Steam Tips

Automatic Frothing

Types of Machines



